Vitamins as an Acne Solution?

Should you use Vitamins as a Hormonal Acne Treatment option? Acne is most definitely the bane of nearly 80 percent of teenagers and young adults. It affects them at a time in their lives when hormones are “raging,” as if they don’t already have enough stressful issues to deal with during those very important growing up years.
The fact is that a lot of women 25 years of age and older are also affected by an acne condition called acne rosacea. This condition can be affected by hormones, which don’t cease wreaking havoc on your skin (and other physical and mental health conditions) once you’ve reached that magical age of 21.
Hormones obviously play a huge role in acne. What compounds the problem is that stress aggravates hormones, and so it can end up being the proverbial vicious circle. Unfortunately, hormonal effects can be challenging to treat.
Vitamins can be a helpful asset to your skincare routine and can also be important when considering how to treat acne. I’ve written articles before addressing the benefits to your skin of vitamin C. Vitamin A has been known to help with challenging skin conditions; but as is the case with vitamin C, you can’t ingest enough of it orally to actually have an impact on your acne.
Accutane is a Hormonal Acne Treatment, which is a synthetic form of Vitamin A. It’s a very good product for treating Hormonal Acne, however, those who use it must be aware (as with any prescription drugs) of the possible side effects.
Birth control pills are also used in the treatment of acne and hormonal fluctuations; however, this is obviously not an option for male patients looking for the best acne products for them, or for females looking for a more natural approach to hormonal acne treatment.
Keep in mind that the hormonal difficulties are not causing your acne. Clogged pores, skin bacteria, increased oil production, and not enough exfoliation of the dead skin layers are the basic causes of acne. All of these contribute, as well, to the inflammation that is an aftereffect. If you make an effort to focus on these issues, the hormones that may be out of whack could have less of an influence on your overall acne skin care problem.
Therefore, when you want to know how to treat acne that you feel is precipitated by hormones, you may want to consider a top acne system that addresses the causes mentioned above without having to use prescription medicines. A cleanser containing salicylic acid and glycolic acid is effective for exfoliating your skin, and getting rid of oil and “debris” that could be clogging your pores and dead skin, as well.
It is also important to use a topical acne control solution that contains Azelaic acid and salicylic acid. Lastly, to aid in the reduction of bacteria, reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing of existing blemishes, a direct blemish treatment is desirable.
If you have further questions regarding how to treat hormonal acne or what you should incorporate into your acne skin care program, please send me an email!